An approach to wellness that uses Energy Medicine and Naturopathic Foundations to restore your energy and bring your body, mind and soul back into balance and coherence.


You don't feel like YOU. . .and you know it....

​But you don’t know why it’s happening, where it came from, or how to fix it. And since you’re still "walking and talking," you sweep it under the carpet and surrender to the infamous narrative…

“I'm FINE. Everything is just FINE."

​We both know it's not fine. But, when you don’t feel good, and you don’t know how to fix it, what else do you do?

​This internal un-ease chips away at your own self trust and you start feeling like a stranger in your own body. It creates a palpable separation within that directly affects your mental and emotional well-being. And THIS directly manifests as your physical symptoms.

Now you really don’t feel like yourself…


This Un-Ease Translates to Symptoms that are Physical, Mental, Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual.

You are meant to live a life that is aligned with what is alive inside you.  Your purpose, your passion, and a path that allows your gifts to shine and be shared with the world.  

The goal will always be to find what interference is standing in the way of the best version and expression of you.  And this can translate to any and every dimension of your reality, so we need tools that can get specific and strategic with what will support you.

The good news is... you know.  Your body knows.  The question becomes are you willing to look and see?  Are you willing to act, carry-out, and become?  Are you willing to change your current state of being and step into the best version of yourself?  Are you willing to do the work needed to change your life?

YOU are the healer you are seeking…
​It’s been you all along.

​Let me walk the path with you.  I will guide you, but always bring back to empowering you to choose what feels right and best for you.   We work with naturopathic foundations and mutiple modalities of energy medicine to get your body back online.  We talk about lifestyle design and how you want to live and how you want your days to feel. 

We use a dynamic coaching process that will bring new awareness to your beliefs, patterns and habits that previously felt impossible to see, let alone change.  You start connecting your own dots and become educated and empowered. The confusion dissipates and intentional action fuels the possibility you’ve been craving. 

It's about the food... but it's not about the food.  We explore this health and being well from a personal perspective of reclaiming all parts of you back to wholeness.  Then get intentional and strategic with your nourishment.

Book a free initial consult and together we'll create a plan and approach that feels right to you.  


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